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Criminal Cases

The following information is public record

State of Georgia vs. T.G.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-24-CR-0460)

Charge: Aggravated Assault (x 4)

Result: Jury trial: Directed Verdict of Acquittal all counts: My client was charged with one other as being part of several people who opened fire on a parked car occupied by four individuals. My client denied involvement. After 4 days, the judge Directed a Verdict of Acquittal for lack of evidence.

State of Georgia vs. P.D.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-24-CR-0194)

Charge: Possession with Intent

Result: Case Dismissed. My client was stopped in his vehicle by the Drug Task Force. The agents searched my client’s car and his person without consent. I showed the search of my client was not legal or justified and the judge ruled in our favor after a suppression hearing. The case was dismissed.

State of Georgia vs. D.J.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-24-CR-0404)

Charge: Aggravated Assault, Possession with Intent

Result: Case Dismissed. My client was charged in a serious case with Aggravated Assault for allegedly intentionally crashing into another car and then confronting the person therein. My client denied the charges and did not believe the DA could prove her case. The case was dismissed on the eve of trial and my client, who had been denied bond, was released.

State of Georgia vs. J.T.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-24-CR-0078)

Charge: Aggravated Stalking (x 2)

Result: Case Dismissed. My client was charged with violating a Protective Order by contact via social media. I believed the language in the Indictment was so broad and general it did not constitute a crime even if the facts were proved. The judge agreed and granted my demurrer and the case was dismissed.

State of Georgia vs. T.P.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-23-CR-0349)

Charge: Aggravated Assault, Possession of Firearm

Result: Jury trial: Not Guilty all counts: My client was charged with shooting a man in the neck, nearly killing him and leaving him with permanent injuries. At trial, we showed the Victim was more than likely attempting an armed robbery when he was shot.

State of Georgia vs. C.V.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-23-CR-0489)

Charge: Aggravated Assault, Possession of Firearm

Result: Case Dismissed after Indictment filed after we filed Speedy Trial demand knowing the State could not prove its case.

State of Georgia vs. L.S.-------

Magistrate Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # 23-PI-0297)

Charge: Aggravated Assault

Result: Dismissed after probable cause hearing. My client sliced a man's face with a knife causing a significant injury. At the probable cause hearing we mounted a forece full self-defense claim and all charges were dismissed.

State of Georgia vs. F.M.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-22-CR-0858-L)

Charge: Aggravated Sodomy, Aggravated Child Molestation, Incest

Result: Jury Trial: Client found Not Guilty of 2 counts, mistrial (hung jury) on one count.

State of Georgia vs. M.D.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-22-CR-0888-N)

Charge: Rape, Child Molestation, Incest

Result: Jury Trial: All charges Dismissed after jury selected.

State of Georgia vs. F.B.-------

Superior Court of Oglethorpe County
(Case # 20-OR-00362-W)

Charge: Trafficking in Cocaine, Possession of Marijuana with Intent, Firearms

Result: Motion to Suppress granted: A certified police officer presented a sloppy affidavit to a judge who signed off on the inferior narrative which fell short of probable cause. Officers illegally entered my client’s property based on the unconstitutionally issued search warrant. A Superior Court judge agreed the search warrant was improperly granted and granted my Motion to Suppress.

State of Georgia vs. L.B.-------

Superior Court of Oglethorpe County
(Case # CASE NO. 20-OR-111)

Charge: Sale of Marijuana, Possession of Stolen Firearms

Result: Case dead-docketed. Defendant was arrested and charged will selling marijuana and possessing stolen guns. Defendant had a good defense and we insisted on going to trial despite favorable offers. On the morning of trial the case was dead-docketed by the State.

State of Georgia vs. S.L.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # )

Charge: Probation Revocation based on charges of Armed Robbery and Aggravated Assault.

Result: Charges dismissed. Defendant was accused of committing an armed robbery and aggravated assault, alleging he stole $30,000.00. Defendant was arrested and locked up with no bond. Defendant denied the charges and we produced alibi witnesses and cell phone video evidence proving the Defendant was elsewhere at the time of the assault.

State of Georgia vs. M.H.-------

Probate Court of Oglethorpe County

Charge: DUI, Child Endangerment

Result: Bench trial: Not Guilty: The Defendant was stopped for speeding and put through field sobriety. Officer claimed he smelled weed and alcohol. Defendant took field sobriety and was arrested for DUI. The deputy asked for a blood test and the Defendant refused. We rejected all offers and proceeded to trial and the Defendant was found "Not Guilty" of DUI and Child Endangerment.

State of Georgia vs. B.K.-------

Superior Court of Oglethorpe County
(Case # 19OR121M)

Charge: DUI (Rx medication)

Result: Jury trial: Not Guilty: The Defendant was questioned due to a 911 call of a reckless driver matching description of client's car. The Defendant admitted he took prescription pain medication and the state trooper asked for a blood test. The Defendant refused and was charged with DUI. The Defendant rejected all offers and proceeded to trial. He was found "Not Guilty" of DUI.

State of Georgia vs. l.C.-------

Superior Court of Oconee County
(Case # 2019-SU-CR-86)

Charge: 2nd Degree Cruelty to Children (felony)

Result: Jury trial: Not Guilty: The Defendant rejected a plea offer to Battery (misdemeanor) and proceeded to trial. Defendant found "Not Guilty" on all counts.

State of Georgia vs. K.H.-------

Superior Court of Franklin County
(Case # 16-FR-379-H)

Charge: DUI (alcohol)

Result: Jury trial: Not Guilty: The Defendant was pulled over for speeding on I-85, which he admitted. However, he refused to take a blood test requested by GSP, insisting the trooper had no reasonable grounds to request such a test. The interaction was videotaped and the tape was played for the jury. The Defendant was found "Not Guilty" of DUI.

State of Georgia vs. C.K.-------

Superior Court of Oglethorpe County
(Case # 17OR00081C)

Charge: DUI (drugs)

Result: Jury trial: Not Guilty: The Defendant was pulled over for a traffic violation. A small amount of marijuana was found in a vape pen on his person. The Defendant agreed to a blood test and was charged with DUI based on marijuana found in his blood. The Defendant admitted the marijuana was in his blood stream but denied he was impaired at the time he was stopped and we proceeded to a jury trial. The Defendant was found "Not Guilty" of DUI.

State of Georgia vs. A.F.-------

Superior Court of Madison County
(Case # 16MR467H)

Charge: DUI

Result: Jury trial: Not Guilty: The Defendant was in a 1 car wreck and refused to take a blood test requested by GSP, opting instead to focus on his injuries and treatment. Defendant as found "Not Guilty" of DUI and all other traffic charges.

State of Georgia vs. D.C.-------

State Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # 16MR467H)

Charge: DUI

Result: Jury trial: Not Guilty: The Defendant was in a 2 car wreck and cited with running a stop sign. She agreed to a blood test and was charged with DUI based on prescription medication. The Defendant argued she was not impaired and eher medication was within therapeutic limits. She was found "Not Guilty" of DUI and of running a stop sign.

State of Georgia vs. D.W..-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-17-CR-0498-Q)

Charge: Aggravated Assault; Possession of Firearm

Result: Dismissal: The Defendant was charged with aggravated assault for shooting an individual. He claimed self defense. After a long process the Defendant was offered 20 do 6 the week before trial. Defendant refused the offer and announced "Ready for trial." The case was dismissed prior to trial.

State of Georgia vs. J.S..-------

Superior Court of Clarke County
(Case # SU-06-CR-1072 R$)

Charge: Aggravated Assault: The Defendant was charged with Aggravated Assault for intentionally using his vehicle to ram into a pedestrian. The Defendant denied the charges and claimed he was being taunted and was about to be attacked by the pedestrian, a 240 pound well-built, muscular meathead. The Defendant was also on probation and proceeded to a contested hearing on all charges.

Result: Judge Regina Quick found in favor of the Defendant and dismissed the probation petition after a contested hearing and all charges were dismissed.

State of Georgia vs. J. B.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-17-DV-0277)

Charge: Aggravated Assault: Defendant was charged Aggravated Assault in that he was alleged to have strangled his former girlfriend, who waited one week to report the incident. The victim also took out a TPO against the Defendant. The Defendant denied all charges.

Result: After a contested TPO hearing, the evidence showed the alleged victim had not been fully forthcoming about the events that had transpired and Judge Lawton Stepnes dismissed the TPO. Subsequently, upon reviewing the transcript from the TPO hearing which was provided by the Defense, both the District Attorney's Office and the Solicitor's Office dismissed all charges against the Defendant and he was allowed to keep his teaching certificate and keep his job.

State of Georgia vs. L. B.-------

Probate Court of Madison County
(Case # 16TR1700)

Charge: DUI

Result: Case proceeded to trial in front of Judge Cody Cross. After trial, Judge Cross found the State failed to prove its case and found the Defendant "Not Guilty" of DUI.

State of Georgia vs. T. B.-------

Superior Court of Barrow County
(Case # 16CR1260X)

Charge: Assault, Reckless Driving, Cruelty to Children

Result: Defendant was charged with brandishing a firearm and assaulting another driver in front of children in a road rage incident. The Defendant claimed he acted in self defense and the case proceeded to trial and Judge Robert Adamson found the Defendant "Not Guilty" of all charges.

State of Georgia vs. T. W.-------

Superior Court of Madison County
(Case # 16CR1602)

Charge: DUI

Result: Defendant was charged with DUI after an accident. The passenger claimed the Defendant was driving and left the scene after speaking with deputies. We proved by incontrovertible evidence at a motion hearing that the Defendant was not driving and all charges were dismissed.

State of Georgia vs. C. R.-------

Municipal Court of Athens-Clarke County

Charge: Possession of Marijuana

Result: Client was placed in Pretrial Diversion Program. Charges eventually dropped.

Online Resource

State of Georgia vs. C. B.-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case #: SU-16-CR-0754)

Charge: Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute

Result: Defendant was stopped by Athens Police Officer and after vehicle search, Defendant was charged with Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute. I belived the Defendant was profiled and the stop was unconstitutional. We fought the case at a motion to suppress hearing and the motion was granted and all charges dismissed. My client's car, which the State attempted to forfeit, was returned.

State of Georgia vs. M.B.-------

Superior Court of Oglethorpe County

Charge: Malice Murder, Felony Murder, Vehicular Homicide

Result: Jury Trail: Client was charged with malice murder and felony murder in that State alleged he intentionally ran over and killed victim. Defendant faced a mandatory 30 year sentence with no parole if convicted. He was found "not guilty" of malice murder and felony murder and convicted of Vehicular Homicide. He received a 7 year sentence and is eligible for parole. He will more than likely serve about 2 years.

Online Resource

State of Georgia vs. E. P.-------

Superior Court of Elbert County
(Case #: 16-ER-116)

Charge: Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute

Result: Defendant's home was searched as a result of a search warrant and the Defendant was charged with Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute as a result of the search. After inspecting the location, I believed the description of the property was defective and the warrant unconstitutional. We fought the case at a motion to suppress hearing and the motion was granted and all charges dismissed.

State of Georgia vs. M H-------

Magistrate Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # 16-3315-17)

Charge: False Imprisonment / (Felony)

Result: Case dismissed before indictment after we successfully presented witnesses and documents showing it would be highly unlikely my client would be convicted at trial.

State of Georgia vs. T H-------

Magistrate Court of Elbert County
(Case # 16-21086MW)

Charge: Possession of Schedule IV Drug, etc.

Result: Case dismissed by District Attorney's office after a contested preliminary hearing. Defendant successfully presented at defense at this early stage and the Elbert County DA realized a conviction would be difficult and dismissed all charges.

State of Georgia vs. T D-------

Magistrate Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # 16-0000176)

Charge: Family Violence Battery

Result: Case dismissed after a pre-warrant hearing. We successfully defended the case and presented solid defense at the warrant hearing and the application was dismissed.

State of Georgia vs. H-------

Superior Court of Elbert County
(Case # 14-ER-270)

Charge: Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute

Result: Case dismissed on day of trial after we refused all settlement offers and demanded jury trial. Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Malcolm (Northern District) granted the State's Motion to Dismiss after the defense announced "Ready for trial."

State of Georgia vs. H-------

Superior Court of Elbert County
(Case # 2014-SU-ER-236)

Charge: Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute, Possession of Methamphetamine

Result: Case dismissed after winning motion to suppress hearing: Investigators with Elbert Count executed a search warrant at client's home and brought charges. Defendant contested the charges arguing that the search warrant was not justified and that officers made an illegal entry into his home. After a contested hearing in which it could be reasonable inferred the lead detective lied under oath, Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Malcolm (Northern District) granted the Defendant's motion specifically finding the entry into the home was illegal and the case was dismissed.

State of Georgia vs. J-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-14-CR-0290)

Charge: Trafficking in Cocaine, Possession with Intent, etc.

Result: Jury Trail: Not Guilty on all 5 counts. Co-Defendant plead "guilty" prior to trial.

State of Georgia vs. M-------

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # SU-11-CR-0620)

Charge: Aggravated Assault x 3

Result: Defendant was charged with shooting a gun at others. He pled "not guilty" and requested a jury trial. 5 days before trial the State offered a 20 year sentence with the first 5 in prison (20 do 5.) The Defendant rejected the offer and proceeded to trial. On the morning of his scheduled trial, all charges were dismissed.

State of Georgia vs. B-----

Magistrate Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case # MC-01-CR-13-854)

Charge: Aggravated Assault, Battery

Result: Charges dismissed after a contested preliminary hearing. My client, a lady, pulled a gun on someone while in her residence and forced him to leave. We showed she was defending her home and property and was well within her rights to do so.

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Online Resource

State of Georgia vs. A---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County

Charge: Rape

Result: All charges dismissed prior to indictment due to successful and intensive investigation done by defense. Additional witnesses found who cast serious doubt on allegation of rape.

State of Georgia vs. S---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. 2010-CR-0423)

Charge: Felony Obstruction, Assault on a Police Officer, False Name. Defendant offered to plead "guilty" to Misdemeanor Obstruction. State refused. Case proceeded to a jury trial on all counts.

Result: Defendant found "not guilty" on all 3 counts, found "guilty" of Misdemeanor Obstruction and given a "time served sentence.

State of Georgia vs. B---

Superior Court of Oconee County
(Case No. 2011-CR-0083-SW)

Charges: Serious Injury by Motor Vehicle, DUI. Defendant charged after striking an Oconee County deputy sheriff. Defendant admitted the DUI (misdemeanor) but denied Serious Injury (felony).

Result: Defendant found "not guilty" of Serious Injury by Motor Vehicle after bench trial.

State of Georgia vs. R---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. SU-10-CR-0998-SW)

Charges: Conspiracy to Distribute Hydrocodone, Possession with Intent to Distribute

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts.

State of Georgia vs. P---

Superior Court of Oglethorpe County
(Case No..05-OR-123-T)

Charges: Child molestation, etc.

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

Online Resource

State of Georgia vs. B---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. SU-04-CR-1881-S)

Charges: Rape, False Imprisonment

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. R---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. SU-05-CR-1291-S)

Charges: Aggravated Assault, Georgia Anti-Gang Prosecution

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all 12 felony counts

Online Resource

Online Resource

State of Georgia vs. W---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No.SU-04-CR-0166-J)

Charges: Felony Terroristic Threats

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. H---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No.SU-93-CR-1075)

Charges: Aggravated Child Molestation, etc.

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. T---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No.SU-04-CR-1052-S)

Charges: Felony Obstruction, etc.

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. U---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No.SU-04-CR-1723)

Charges: Felony Theft

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. C---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County

Charges: Felony Theft

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs M---

Superior Court of Madison County

Charge: Murder

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts (co-counsel with Jim Hudson)

State of Georgia vs. P---

Superior Court of Jackson County
(Case No. M-98-CR-0000275)

Charge: Sexual Assault, Child Cruelty, etc

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. J---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No.SU-99-0658)

Charge: Possession with Intent to Distribute

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. G---

Superior Court of Oconee County
(Case No. 2007-CR-0101)

Charges: Child Molestation, sodomy

Result: All charges Dismissed prior to trial due investigation by Defense and presentation of findings to grand jury.

Online Resource

Online Resource

State of Georgia vs. M----

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No.SU-05-CR-0911)

Charge: Sexual Assault Against a Person in Custody, Sexual Battery, etc.

Result: All charges dropped after being indicted by a grand jury after thorough investigation by Defense and other false claims uncovered.

State of Georgia vs. A---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. SU-95-CR-1129)

Charges: Rape

Result: Conviction reversed on appeal (awaiting trial)

State of Georgia vs. B---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. SU-04-CR-0101)

Charge: Rape

Result: Mistrial (hung jury; plea to lesser offense after trial and immediately released from prison)

State of Georgia vs. H---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County

Charge: Rape

Result: Rape charge abandoned after investigation by Defense and presentation of evidence at bond hearing.

State of Georgia vs. B---

Superior Court of Jackson County
(Case No. M-98-CR-0000275)

Charge: Child Molestation

Result: Case reversed on successful Habeus Corpus Petition. (New plea bargain struck during jury selection at new trial resulting in a 70 year sentence reduction.)

Straks vs. 2 ACC Deputy Sheriffs

Citizen Starks sought criminal warrants against 2 deputies from the Athens-Clarke County Sheriff’s Department alleging that they (the 2 deputy sheriffs) had used extreme, excessive, and criminal force during an encounter with him. I successfully defended the 2 deputies at a warrant hearing held in front of Judge Lawton Stephens on October 16, 2006.

Online Resource

State of Georgia vs. D---

Superior Court of Banks County
(Case No.01-CR-0075)

Charge: Violation of Georga Controlled Substance Act

Result: Case Dismissed after winning Motion to Suppress (4th Amendment issues)

State of Georgia vs. W---

Superior Court of Madison County

Charge: Manufacturing Marijuana, Violation of Georga Controlled Substance Act

Result: Case Dismissed after winning Motion to Suppress (co-counsel with Jim Hudson) (4th Amendment issues)

State of Georgia vs. C---

Superior Court of Jackson County

Charge: Felony Obstruction, Possession of Marijuana

Result: All charges dismissed prior to indictment due to successful defense based on illegal search and seizure grounds (4th Amendment issues)

State of Georgia vs. W--- - L---

Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. SU-04-CR-0262-S)

Charge: Criminal Damage to Property (felony)

Result: Case dismissed one prior to trial due to defense efforts.

State of Georgia vs. L---

Superior Court of Jackson County
(pre-indictment: Warrant Nos. CR-87-09366ST, etc.)

Charge: Aggravated Assault, etc

Result: Charges dismissed prior to indictment due to defense efforts.

State of Georgia vs. W---

GrandJury of Athens-Clarke County

Charge: Felony Cruelty to Children

Result: Grand Jury “No Bills” due to defense efforts and presentation of evidence.

Online Resource

State of Georgia vs. L---

State Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No.ST-06-CR-0218)

Charge: Battery, etc

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. P---

State Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. ST-06-CR-2773)

Charge: DUI, etc.

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. B---

State Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. ST-06-CR-2059)

Charge: DUI, etc.

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. K---

State Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. ST-08-CR-3518)

Charge: DUI, etc.

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. H---

State Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No.ST-09-CR-1600)

Charge: DUI, etc.

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. H---

State Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. ST-08-CR-2760)

Charge: Battery, etc.

Result: Jury Trial: “Not Guilty” on all counts

State of Georgia vs. N---

Magistrate Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No.MC-01-CR-MS-08-405)

Charge: Vehicular Homicide

Result: No warrant issued after defense of case at Probable Cause Hearing.

Online Resource

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State of Georgia vs. B---

Superior Court of Oglethorpe County
(Case No. 05-OR-181-J)

Charge: Battery, etc

Result: Case dismissed before trial due to defense efforts.

State of Georgia vs. L---

State Court of Athens-Clarke County
(Case No. ST-09-CR-0377)

Charge: Battery, etc

Result: Case All charges dismissed prior to trial due to defense investigation.