Do I have a legal need?
Personal Injury
I have handled hundreds of serious personal injury cases during the entirety of my 30 years practicing law in Athens, Georgia. In any serious personal injury case, it is imperative to have a skilled and knowledgeable lawyer involved in your case from the outset. It is also imperative to have a lawyer that will go to trial when necessary, and knows how to effectively try a case. There are many minefields in this area to navigate, and hiring an unqualified lawyer, a factory firm, or an injured party trying to represent himself of herself, can lead to catastrophic results. (A few of the issues are touched upon below, but in no way should be considered comprehensive.)
I am licensed to practice throughout the State of Georgia. I have represented injured clients who have suffered the following injuries: death, paraplegia, brain damage, broken neck, broken back, broken arm, herniated and ruptured disc, broken leg, crushed and broken pelvis, fractured skull, broken foot, ruptured spleen, collapsed lung, migraine headache, insomnia, and all manner of breaks and soft tissue injuries. I have handled personal injuries resulting from car crashes, bicycle wrecks, motorcycle accidents, trucking wrecks, unsafe premises, negligent hiring and supervision, lax security, animal/dog attacks, assault by another person, etc. Below is a partial listing of some of the issues an injured person may face in any personal injury action in which he or she will need legal guidance.